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The communication and visibility component under Civil Society Program (AFKAR) plays a major role in the accomplishment of the Program objectives. In line with the raising awareness about development and reform and the importance of networking between the multiple stakeholders, AFKAR III elaborated a strategy with future prospects. It proposed effective communication and visibility as well as outreach of AFKAR III projects and activities to the public. Based on the principle that the Program to support civil society (AFKAR) is the bridge between CSOs and policy makers, the “Advocacy Communication Strategy for AFKAR Program” was developed, |
emerging from the need to advocate for the policy dialogue process. The strategy aims, as well, to promote the Program for the support of civil society (AFKAR) in its various features and components, and to ensure its visibility on short, medium and long term.
The strategy document set two objectives to this strategy. The first objective is to inform public opinion and the decision-making circles about AFKAR and stir their interest in the program for the support of civil society. The second objective is to contribute to ensuring the sustainability of AFKAR Program by drawing the attention and commitment of donors and having the moral support on the level of political decision from the Lebanese government. On the social level, the strategy seeks drawing the attention and engagement of civil society institutions and organizations in Lebanon and of Lebanese citizens in general. The implementation of these objectives is based on the production of a public and exclusive image of AFKAR Program as reliable, effective and has an influence on the social level. Adopting an approach that is both historical and futuristic by highlighting the different phases of the Program since 2004 targeted to indicating the extent in which it is rooted within the Lebanese administrative structure, on the one hand, and on the level of Lebanese society on the other hand.
A communication plan was developed along with the launching of the third phase of the Program, which already focused on visibility activities promoting AFKAR III concept, values, activities, results and impact.
The plan was implemented as expected. A logo reflecting the identity of the program as a bridge for communication between public sector and civil society was created. AFKAR Website was designed, developed, upgraded in accordance with the Lebanese Government website standards set by OMSAR.
The site, that provides link to OMSAR website, reflects all the Program activities. The publication page in the website includs handbooks, training guides, booklets and newsletters. |
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Media Production
Series of internally written and audio-visual material were produced. Success stories, press releases, publications, substantive articles etc. were published regularly. Media coverage was insured to cover the projects activities through TV, local press, social media.
A booklet was published about the lessons learned from AFKAR program's projects and experiences.
For more information about the booklet, click on the picture.
Newsletters were published, under the phases of the Program, as an effective tool for follow up on AFKAR and its projects’ later activities and involvement within the progress in policy dialogue between the public sector and civil society.
To discover the newsletters contents follow the links
Along with the new interactive and rich website and Facebook page, an animation videos and two documentaries were produced to cover the program role and achievements. They were added to documentaries already produced under AFKAR I and AFKAR II.
To view the visual material of AFKAR III click on the following links:
All these materials visualize the path of AFKAR that had grown from a project to assist limited number of Lebanese CSOs to the core of the Lebanese society system, becoming itself a bonding bridge.
“Capacity Building of Media Production and Outreach” is the title of the workshop training conducted targeting the partners CSOs. The workshop aimed to build their capacities in the communication field. In parallel, the AFKAR Team organized coaching sessions, in preparation for their communication plans, to promote their visibility as well as preparing the ground for the production of the audio-visual material.