General Description
Since its establishment in 1995, the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (OMSAR) has been leading or contributing to organizational restructuring studies in collaboration with the administrations concerned.
An effective and efficient government machinery that responds by its professionally built structures to the needs of the citizens.
The entire public sector.
Source of Fund
Achievements, Milestones and Deliverables
- Organizational studies issued with the required laws and decrees drafted.
- Guide for the Review of Organizational Structures. The Guide has set out the basic principles of restructuring the public sector.
- International tools used for restructuring and rightsizing presented by the SIGMA experts;
-Twenty participants from the Lebanese administrations have attended the seminar;
- A roadmap for restructuring has been drafted.
The Minister of State for Administrative Reform is one of the committee members. The Committee can request the support of whoever they find suitable in the public and private sectors to fulfill their mission. A Ministerial Committee chaired by the Premier was established by Decision No. 3 dated September 12, 2019 to consider the abolishment of a number of public agencies. The latter committee is chaired by the Premier with the membership of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of OMSAR, Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry and Minister of State for Presidential Affairs.
The Prime Minister also issued Circular No. 30/2019 on September 6, 2019 requesting all ministries and public agencies to conduct a survey of their existing staff, regardless of their legal status and to send the results of the survey to the CSB.
The OMSAR supported the Ministry of Labor in submitting a proposal for organizational restructuring to the EU based on the requested criteria. The restructuring request was accepted and the focal point was trained by OMSAR. The restructuring of the Ministry of Labor is ongoing and expected to be completed by the end of 2020. The organizational study is under execution within the EU-funded and managed Technical Assistance Facility Program.
Closing date
Continuous effort