The Lebanese government is committed to introducing strategic planning into the administration. The Office of the Minister of State for Adminsitrative Reform is committed to improving the planning and coordination functions in the ministries and enhancing their management capacity.

A Toolkit has been produced to be as practical as possible for the introduction or adaptation of a strategic planning process in a Ministry thus leading to modifying the way things are currently done.

The beneficiaries of the Strategic Planning Project are:
1.    The Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform, which is also the contracting authority
2.    The Ministry of Industry
3.    The Ministry of Public Health
4.    The Ministry of Social Affairs
5.    The Ministry of Tourism

Overall Objective: 
The overall objective of the project is to improve the Strategic Planning capacity in Lebanon Public Administration at OMSAR and four key ministries: Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Industry.
Specific Objective:
- To contribute to promoting efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and supporting the monitoring and coordination of the different strategic planning efforts;
- To enable OMSAR to effectively carry out its duties as a strategic planning coordination and support body;
- To support the selected Ministries to effectively put in place and implement strategic planning and policy analysis and coordination.

The project activities are organized in five result areas:
1.    Existing capacities are analyzed. This includes an institutional review and a Training Needs Analysis of the proposed SP Teams.
2.    Existing methodology is reviewed. This includes the review of the SP manual developed by OMSAR and proposing improvements as far as necessary.
3.    Strategic Planning Capacities of OMSAR and the four Ministries are reinforced. This includes proposals for institutional arrangements for SP, extensive training of staff of OMSAR and the four ministries in SP and aligning the Training methods between the Senior Experts. A study tour to Germany is foreseen.
4.    The strategic and or operational plans for the four Ministries are drafted. This includes coaching of the SP Teams of the four ministries when making the SP. 
5.    Assistance in establishing the Help Desk (OMSAR). This comprises the institutional proposals, the installation of the website, and training of staff.


Source of Fund: EU
Type of activity: Upgrade the capacities of public entries in the field of strategic and operational planning
Contract value:  € 1,149,644.00

Closing date: May-19
Achievements, Milestones, Deliverables Status
Strategic Planning Methodology and Toolkit that targets public administrations is developed Methodology and toolkit published in Arabic and English on OMSAR's website, and ready for use by all interested Ministries and public entries
Five Strategic plans with operational plans were finalized for five Ministries (OMSAR, Public Health, Tourism, Social Affairs and Industry) strategic and operational plans of the ministries need to be updated this year (the previous SP cover 2016-2020), roll-out for new ministries (two ministries annually), etc.
Estabishment of Strategic Planning Help Desk in OMSAR Team trained and equipped to provide technical support, guidance and advice for ministries in topics of strategic planning and operational plans.
A dedicated webpage and feedbak page is developed to receive questions
Conduct capacity building for the SP dedicated teams at the ministries on developing Strategic plans and operational plans